Hello Everyone
On Nov 18th O’Brien’s Boru and the Blue Collar Lobster Co./ Gloucester House hosted the “From the heart benefit” for the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Ma / RI. It’s a non-profit organization which helps children between the ages of 2 ½ and 18 who have life threatening medical conditions by arranging experiences known as ‘wishes.” Headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona, they have been granting wishes since 1980.
We thank the Blue Collar / Gloucester House, Lenny, Dottie and Dave Linquata for the use of their facility for our benefit. We also thank them for their very generous donation to Make-A-Wish.
It was an afternoon / early evening of music, dancing, laughter, a silent auction and raffles. 4 bands, a solo performer, comedians and special guests.
A special thank you to all the musicians, comedians and volunteers who all donated their talent and time to benefit this wonderful organization.
Thank you to the donors of prizes for the silent auction and raffles.
A very special shout out goes to Frank Hawks, Theresa Gray and Vinnie Mirisola. Without their extraordinary efforts the event would not have been possible.
Gloucester residents Craig, Cara and their son Will, age 8, were very special guests, “a wish family”. Craig spoke of the devastating effects pediatric cancer has on a family
battling this dreaded disease. He expressed his gratitude to M-A-W for Will’s wish experience visiting Disneyland and his favorite, Spiderman. It provided Will with the edge to keep fighting, the family to exhale, and create positive memories during very challenging times. “Our time there allowed Will to just be a little boy for a few days” said his Dad. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house.
John Cena Sr. whose son, is WWE 16 time champion John Cena Jr. donated memorabilia for the auction and spoke of the great work of M-A-W. John Cena Jr. is in the Guiness book of world records for most wishes granted to M-A-W
M-A-W of MA/RI CEO Sean Halloran and Sr Manager Mariama Sano were in attendance. We thank them for their help and guidance.
The bands:
O’Brien’s Boru
Rob Banks and the Moneymakers
Frank Hawks’ Overdue Rentals
Theresa Gray’s Experiment
Solo artist Ron Leathers
The Comedians:
Danny Gill and friends
The Photographer:
Di Meade Hoffman
The volunteers:
Mary O’Brien, Cora Hawks, Jill Montoni, Ruth Sullivan, Tim O’Brien
Sean O’Brien, Brianna O’Brien.
Donors of silent auction and raffle prizes
Capt. Dave Marciano
John Cena Jr
Lynn Auditorium
Virgilio’s Bakery
Market Basket
Rockport Publishing (Cora Hawks, Meri Caprioli)
Boston Reproductions of Wilmington, Ma and
All anonymous donors
Thank you all for supporting our cause. We made a difference.